Running any API with bash scripts ================================= You may want to run your API using something other than Flask or plumber. To enable this, Faculty contains the `Custom` API option. When specifying a custom API, you simply need to provide an executable (for instance, a shell script) that runs your API. If you use a shell script, make sure your script starts the API wit ``exec`` to avoid leaving orphaned processes. .. contents:: Contents :local: Running an API from node.js with express ---------------------------------------- Creating a node.js environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to run an API with ``node.js``, you will need to first create an :ref:`Environment ` that installs node.js. To do so, open the Enivorenments interface and add the following commands to the scripts section at the bottom: .. code-block:: bash curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs .. note:: While installing node directly from source is the quickest way to get set up, you will often want more flexibility. For this, we recommend installing `nvm `_). Your environment should look like this: .. thumbnail:: images/nodejs-environment.png In addition, our application will need two libraries: ``express``, a web server, and ``body-parser`` to parse JSON request bodies. To install them, start a server with the ``nodejs`` environment in your project (any server type) and run the following commands in a terminal: .. code-block:: bash npm init # accept the default parameters npm install --save express body-parser Writing a node.js API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now we need to create our actual API code. For this example, we will save the following code to ``/project/api.js``: .. literalinclude:: cats_vs_dogs.js :language: javascript Note that the API needs to listen on port 8000. .. note:: See the `Express tutorial `_ for a more in-depth tutorial on writing APIs with NodeJS and Express. The last thing we need to do before we test our API is to create the ``bash`` script that runs the API. This only needs to contain one command. We will save this to ``/project/`` .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash exec nodejs api.js Once we have these components, we can create the API in the Faculty Deployment interface. Configuring a custom API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to the Deployments page for your project in Faculty and create a new API. You will be asked to choose a name, a domain name and a type for your API. For type, choose Custom. Your domain name needs to be unique across all of Faculty. I suggest a domain name like ``cats-vs-dogs-2118``, where you replace 2118 with a random string of your choice. In the API settings page, leave the working directory as ``/project``, and set the script to ``/project/``. From the `Environments` dropdown, select the node.js environment we created earlier. .. thumbnail:: images/nodejs-api-configuration.png After you have your API set up, you can test and ultimately deploy it. Head to :ref:`develop-api` to find out how to go about the testing process.